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God-Centered Leadership Track Bundle

God-Centered Leadership Track Bundle

This God-Centered Leadership track bundle contains five courses teaching theology, biblical interpretation, living the Christian life, and biblical eldership in relationship to the local church all from a God-Centered perspective

At a Glance

  • Access to all five course with lessons of guided inductive Bible study, reading comprehension questions, instructional video and audio clips, discussion questions, integrative assignments, and other content
  • Provides a structured and comprehensive introduction to theology, biblical interpretation, living the Christian life, and biblical eldership through careful biblical study and reflection on other texts and John Piper resources
  • 24/7 access for 24 months to complete all five courses at your own pace


20-40 hours per course

Save $45 when you purchase this bundle
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More Details

God-Centered Leadership Track Bundle Courses

Systematic Theology 1

The Systematic Theology 1 course is an attempt to systematically present what the Apostle Paul called “the whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27). Students will study biblical topics by examining particular biblical passages, reading through Wayne Grudem’s Systematic Theology, and inspecting the Bethlehem Affirmation of Faith. The student’s learning will be solidified through discussion questions and various homework assignments. This course is the first of two semesters, progressing through roughly the first half of a systematic theology, including the doctrines of Scripture, the Trinity, God’s sovereignty, election, creation, sin, Christology, and soteriology.

Systematic Theology 2

The Systematic Theology 2 course is an attempt to systematically present what the Apostle Paul called “the whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27). Students will study biblical topics by examin­ing particular biblical passages, reading through Wayne Grudem’s Systematic Theology, and inspecting the Bethlehem Affirmation of Faith. The student’s learning will be solidified through discussion questions and various homework assignments. This course is the second of two semesters, progressing through roughly the second half of a systematic theology, including the doctrines pneumatology, justification, sanctification, ecclesiology, the ordinances, and last things.

Christian Hedonism and the Life of Faith

The Christian Hedonism and the Life of Faith course is an introduction to Christian Hedonism, a philosophy of life that is built on the God of the Bible. The course unfolds two key assertions: 1) the God-centeredness of God informs every aspect of the Christian life; 2) the pursuit of God’s glory and the pursuit of our joy is the same pursuit. Therefore, “God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him.” In this course students will examine key biblical passages and then thoughtfully interact with some of the central writings of John Piper: Desiring God, God Is the Gospel, and Future Grace. Biblical study, critical reflection, and application are all important components of this course.

Principles of Biblical Interpretation

The course Principles of Biblical Interpretation is an introduction to the methodology of inductive study of the Bible. Inductive study consists of careful observation of the text leading to sound interpretation and appro­priate application. Students will learn study strategies, principles of interpretation, and principles of application throughout the course and apply them to the book of Philippians. Although the book of Philippians will serve as the primary “training grounds,” the course aims at imparting study skills that are applicable to the entire Bible. The course also aims at fostering sensitivity to literary genre and at cultivating inductive Bible study as a lifelong habit.

Introduction to Biblical Eldership

Introduction to Biblical Eldership is a 12 lesson course that examines the Bible’s teaching on the presence, responsibilities, qualifications, and importance of elders in the local church. The course is especially designed for the training of current and prospective elders, though any student of this course will gain insight into Biblical leadership. It aims to refresh and challenge each student’s vision of godly church leadership and their relationship to that leadership through inductive study of the Word, careful reflection on ministerial practice, and thoughtful interaction with Alexander Strauch’s Biblical Eldership, the teaching of John Piper, and various other pastors and theologians. The course concludes with a consideration of pragmatic issues, seeking to apply biblical wisdom to contemporary church life.



About the Technology

Developed By


Brian Tabb
Dr. Brian Tabb

Bethlehem College & Seminary
Academic Dean & Associate Professor of Biblical Studies

With Resources From

John Piper
Dr. John Piper

Chancellor and Professor of Biblical Exegesis
Bethlehem College & Seminary
Founder and Teacher,