At a Glance
- Access to all four courses with structured units and lessons containing high-quality video lectures, full textbook content online, reflection questions, unit tests, a mid-term exam, and a final exam.
- Each course includes access to Cerego's award-winning learning technology to enhance how you learn, study, and remember.
- Earn a Zondervan Certificate of Completion by receiving an 80% or above on each course.
- 24/7 access for 24 months to complete all four courses at your own pace.
- This certificate can be taken for academic credit through the BibleMesh Institute: Click Here
More Details
Zondervan Academic Deacon Certificate Courses
How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth
This introductory course, How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth featuring professors and authors Douglas Stuart and Mark Strauss, covers everything from translation concerns to different genres of biblical writing. In clear, simple language, sessions help learners accurately understand the different parts of the Bible and their implications for both ancient audiences and humanity today, so you can uncover the inexhaustible worth that is in God’s Word.
What Christians Ought to Believe
Bringing together theological commentary, tips for application, and memorable illustrations, the What Christians Ought to Believe course teaches you the basic tenets of the Christian faith using the Apostle’s Creed as the entryway. After first emphasizing the importance of creeds for the formation of the Christian faith, lessons introduce core beliefs about the Father, the Son, the Spirit, the Church, and the end times.
What's Best Next
Unique in the approach it presents to maximizing efficiency, the What’s Best Next course outlines a God-centered, gospel-oriented perspective that addresses the proper motivation to drive productivity—serving others to the glory of God. This course is built from material and video lectures by author and productivity expert Matt Perman, offering a practical approach for improving productivity in all areas of life.
How to Lead When You're Not in Charge
Authority is not a prerequisite for leadership. Too many people spend their lives waiting for the authority to lead, missing out on opportunities they will never get back. The truth is: great leaders don’t wait to be in charge to begin leading. This course explains what is needed to be a great leader—even when you answer to someone else while instructing leaders on the importance of healthy self-leadership, how to choose positivity and think critically, and why great leaders must reject passivity.
This Deacon Certificate is one of four in the Zondervan Lay-Leader Certificate Series. These mini-certificates are designed with lay-leaders in mind to equip better Deacons, Lay Elders, Sunday School teachers and Small Group Leaders. A well-trained laity is indispensable for healthy churches. The Zondervan Lay-Leader series deepens biblical, theological and practical understanding of lay-leaders for greater ministry impact.
To explore the other certificates in this series, click on the links below:
- Zondervan Lay Elder Certificate
- Zondervan Sunday School Certificate
- Zondervan Small Group Leader Certificate