Systematic Theology: Introduction
Ottawa Theological Hall

Systematic Theology: Introduction

Before delving into the various branches of theology, this course seeks to set the stage for theological study in general. The nature, history, methodology and significance of Systematic Theology will be discussed. The final portion of the course will be concerned with “revelation” in general and its relationship to Systematics in particular.

At a Glance

Course Requirements

  1. Listening to all the lectures
  2. Completion of required reading
  3. Final written examination
  4. Two 500 word essay on an approved topic related to the course

Note: This course is only for Ottawa Theological Hall (OTH) students.

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Course Outline

  • Lecture 1: Theology and the Theologian | Nomenclature
  • Lecture 2: Dogma and Theology | The Necessity of Systematic Theology
  • Lecture 3: Theology as Science | The Object of Theology
  • Lecture 4: The Task and Method of Systematic Theology | The Place and Distribution of Systematic Theology
  • Lecture 5: The History of Systematic Theology- Pre-Reformation | The History of Systematic Theology- Post-Reformation
  • Lecture 6: The Principia of Theology | Religion
  • Lecture 7: Revelation in General | General Revelation
  • Lecture 8: Special Revelation | Special Revelation and Scripture
  • Lecture 9: The Inspiration of Scripture | The Nature, Extent and Implications of Inspiration
  • Lecture 10: The Subjective Aspect of Theology | The “Testimony” of the Holy Spirit


Matt Kingswood
Rev. Matt Kingswood

Matt Kingswood is the pastor of the Russell Reformed Presbyterian Church in Russell, Ontario where he has served 21 years. He also currently teaches Systematic Theology at Ottawa Theological Hall. Matt holds an earned a MDiv. from Knox Theological Seminary in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.