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Systematic Theology: Doctrine of Man
Ottawa Theological Hall

Systematic Theology: Doctrine of Man

This course will provide the student with an overview of the Biblical teaching on the doctrine of Man. In addition to addressing the origin and constitution of Man, related topics such as Sin and Covenant will also be covered. The knowledge gained in this area of theology is foundational to subsequent courses on the doctrines of Christology, Soteriology, Ecclesiology and Eschatology.

At a Glance

Course Requirements

  1. Listening to all the lectures
  2. Completion of required reading
  3. Final written examination
  4. A one 500 word essay which critically engages a magazine/newspaper article germane to the content of this course.
  5. An annotated sermon outline on an assigned passage of Scripture.

Note: This course is only for Ottawa Theological Hall (OTH) students.

Coming Soon

More Details

Course Outline

  • Lecture 1: Introduction | The Origin of Man
  • Lecture 2: The Constitution of Man | The Origin of the Soul
  • Lecture 3: Man: The Image of God
  • Lecture 4: The Covenant of Works
  • Lecture 5: The Fall of Man
  • Lecture 6: Original Sin
  • Lecture 7: The Transmission of Sin
  • Lecture 8: Heretical Views of Sin
  • Lecture 9: The Covenant of Grace
  • Lecture 10: Covenant History


Matt Kingswood
Rev. Matt Kingswood

Matt Kingswood is the pastor of the Russell Reformed Presbyterian Church in Russell, Ontario where he has served 21 years. He also currently teaches Systematic Theology at Ottawa Theological Hall. Matt holds an earned a MDiv. from Knox Theological Seminary in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.