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NTS305/NTS605: Letters to the Church
The BibleMesh Institute

NTS305/NTS605: Letters to the Church

This course introduces the cultural and theological background of Hebrews and the general epistles, addressing issues of historical relevance as well as how these books connect with Christian faith and practice today from an evangelical perspective.

At a Glance

  • Assigned proctor to guide you through the course and provide extra assignments
  • Access to all course material—video lectures; lessons; key concept reviews, and quizzes
  • Access to the Cerego learning system to build memory retention of course objectives
  • $250 per month access to complete the course at your own pace


120 hours

Only enroll in this course if you have applied to the BibleMesh Institute, been accepted and directed to take this course.

More Details

The Letters to the Church course introduces the cultural and theological background of Hebrews and the general epistles (James through Jude). Taught from an evangelical perspective by respected New Testament scholar Karen Jobes, the course addresses issues of historical relevance as well as connecting these ancient Scriptural books to Christian faith and practice today.

Letters to the Church covers historical background for each book focusing on authorship, genre, date, and content, as well as an exploration of the major themes in each book.

Course Outline

  1. Introducing Hebrews: The Book of Better Things
  2. Famous Last Words: Divine Revelation in Hebrews
  3. The Son is Our Great High Priest: The Christology of Hebrews
  4. “How Shall We Escape?” The Soteriology of Hebrews
  5. Introducing the Letter from James: Prophet and Sage of the Kingdom of God
  6. A Christian Letter? Christology in James
  7. The “Royal Law”: Christian Wisdom and Ethics in James
  8. Jude: Jesus’ Brother Warns the Church
  9. “The True Grace of God”: Introducing 1 Peter
  10. “Christ Has Left You an Example”: The Christology of 1 Peter
  11. Foreigners and Resident Aliens: The Imatatio Christi in Peter’s Ethics
  12. 2 Peter: An Apostle’s Last Words to the Church
  13. 1 John: Reassurance for Christians in Confusing Times
  14. 2 and 3 John: Notes of Grace and Truth