At a Glance
- Introduction to the church’s most important statements of faith over the centuries
- Assigned proctor to guide you through the course and provide extra assignments
- Access to all course material—video lectures; lessons; key concept reviews, and quizzes
- Access to the Cerego learning system to build memory retention of course objectives
- $280 per month access to complete the course at your own pace
More Details
This online course features the textbook "Know the Creeds and Councils" by professor of theology, Justin Holcomb. The course leads you through centuries of creeds, councils, catechisms, and confessions not with a dry focus on dates and places, but with an emphasis on the living tradition of Christian belief and why it matters for our lives today.
Each lesson explains a key statement of faith and its historical context, provides a simple overview of the statement’s content and key points, and reflects on its contemporary relevance. This course will help you understand the foundations of the Christian faith.
Course Outline
- Apostles' Creed
- Council of Nicaea and the Nicene Creed
- Councils of Ephesus
- Council of Chalcedon
- Athanasian Creed
- Councils of Constantinople
- Councils of Carthage and Orange
- Midterm Exam
- Council of Trent
- Heidelberg Catechism
- Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion
- Westminster Confession of Faith
- Second Vatican Council
- Modern Confessions
- Final Exam