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THS320/THS620: Historical Theology 1
The BibleMesh Institute

THS320/THS620: Historical Theology 1

Rather than following the history of Christianity and presenting various doctrines as they arise, this course begins to trace the development of vital Christian theology topic by topic. 

At a Glance

  • Assigned proctor to guide you through the course and provide extra assignments
  • Access to all course material—video lectures; readings enhanced by key concept reviews, and quizzes
  • Access to the Cerego learning system to build memory retention of course objectives
  • $250 per month access to complete the course at your own pace


120 hours

Only enroll in this course if you have applied to the BibleMesh Institute, been accepted and directed to take this course.

More Details

Most historical theology studies follow Christian beliefs chronologically, discussing notable doctrinal developments for all areas of theology according to their historical appearance. While this may be good history, it can make for confusing theology, with the classic theological doctrines scattered throughout various time periods, movements, and controversies.

In this Historical Theology 1 course, the first seven of fifteen theological topics are addressed by looking at the historical development of theology by a topical-chronological arrangement, setting out the history one doctrine at a time. This approach concentrates on one tenet of Christianity and its formulation in the early church through the Middle Ages, Reformation, and post-Reformation era, and finally into the modern period.

Course Outline

  1. Introduction to Historical Theology
  2. Canon and Inspiration
  3. Authority and Inerrancy
  4. Clarity, Sufficiency, and Interpretation of Scripture
  5. God
  6. Creation, Providence, Angels, Satan, and Demons
  7. Creation, the Nature of Humanity, and Sin