At a Glance
Written By: Robert L. Boss
Bright Shadows of Divine Things: The Devotional World of Jonathan Edwards intends to foster a devotional frame of mindvattentiveness and contemplation in our everyday lives, on every occasion. There are manifold reminders of God's presence around us if we would only take time to ponder them. The great American theologian Jonathan Edwards believed that all of reality—creation, events, history—are filled with communication which confirms the Bible. It is Boss's hope that this book will help readers tune in, like early Evangelicals, to the symphonic harmony of all creation and to the BRIGHT SHADOWS of DIVINE THINGS that point to the teachings of the Holy Scriptures.
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Format: eBook
Published Date: March 13, 2017
Publisher: Robert L. Boss
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About the Author
Robert L. Boss (PhD, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) has authored/edited two other books prior to Bright Shadows of Divine Things: The Devotional World of Jonathan Edwards. His first book was God-Haunted World: The Elemental Theology of Jonathan Edwards (2015). His second publication, as contributor and co-editor with Matthew V. Everhard, was A Collection of Essays on Jonathan Edwards (2016). Boss makes his home in Fort Worth, TX with his wife. They have two wonderful daughters—one studying missiology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and the other a recent graduate of Wheaton College.