At a Glance
- Access to lecture videos from all five video courses by Dr. James Houston
- Lecture transcripts are provided
- Discussion questions provided for "Prayer" course
- 24/7 access for 24 months to complete the courses at your own pace
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James Houston Video Courses Bundle
James Houston explores the transforming power of prayer, illustrating how prayer begins to change our lives and then how the way we live changes how we pray.
Prayer of the Saints
James Houston examines the prayers and prayer life of some well-known Christians in history.
The Loss Transcendence (Part 1)
James Houston reflects upon loss and recovery of transcendence in our contemporary culture and how it relates to the secularisation of contemporary Christianity.
The Loss Transcendence (Part 2)
James Houston reflects upon loss and recovery of transcendence in our contemporary culture and how it relates to the secularisation of contemporary Christianity.
James Houston explores Christian identity as it has been shaped throughout history into the 20th century.
Dr. James M. Houston
James Houston (now retired) is one of the “founding fathers” of Regent College. He was appointed Principal in 1970 a post he held until 1978, at which time he was appointed Chancellor (1978-1980) and Professor of Spiritual Theology. He also taught part-time at the University of British Columbia. His chair of Spiritual Theology was endowed in 1991. He is co-founder of the C.S. Lewis Institute in Washington, DC, and still acting as a Senior Fellow. Dr. James Houston is a prolific author, editor, and Christian scholar.