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PTH305/PTH605: Preaching God’s Word
The BibleMesh Institute

PTH305/PTH605: Preaching God’s Word

This course assists preachers and homiletics students to develop and deliver biblically based expository sermons relevant for the twenty-first century.

At a Glance

  • Assigned proctor to guide you through the course and provide extra assignments
  • Access to all course material—video lectures, readings, key concept reviews, quizzes, and exams
  • Access to the Cerego learning system to build memory retention of course objectives
  • $250 per month access to complete the course at your own pace


120 hours

Only enroll in this course if you have applied to the BibleMesh Institute, been accepted and directed to take this course.

More Details

People in churches today are hungry for a word from God. Preachers need to prepare and deliver sound biblical sermons that connect with their audiences in a meaningful way. Whether you are a student new to preaching or a veteran looking to brush up your preaching skills, the Preaching God’s Word course is a valuable learning opportunity.

Good preaching begins with good exegesis. This course is supported by the popular textbook Preaching God's Word authored by Terry Carter, Scott Duvall, and Daniel Hays. All course material—video lectures, readings, key concept reviews, and quizzes—walk you through the steps of the “Interpretive Journey” from the biblical text to contemporary application.

Yet the science of solid biblical interpretation must also be married to the art of contemporary communication in order to bring the message home. Carter, Duvall, and Hays also show how to understand your audience, develop powerful applications, use illustrations well, and deliver sermons effectively. The concluding units discuss unique preaching challenges presented by various biblical genres, providing interpretive keys, things to avoid, and numerous examples.

Course Outline

  1. Preaching a Biblical Sermon
  2. Discovering Biblical Truth: The Interpretive Journey
  3. Preaching the Meaning in Their Town
  4. Exegeting the Audience
  5. Communicating the Meaning in Our Town
  6. Applying the Message
  7. Illustrating Biblical Truth
  8. Delivering a Biblical Sermon
  9. Preaching Letters
  10. Preaching the Gospel and Acts
  11. Preaching Revelation
  12. Preaching Old Testament Narrative
  13. Preaching the Law
  14. Preaching the Prophets
  15. Preaching Psalms and Wisdom Literature