At a Glance
- Access to all ten BibleMesh Hebrew and Greek courses containing text-based resources, audio recordings, videos, and assessment tools
- Note: This track bundle course includes both the Hebrew First Steps and Greek First Steps course, which is a pre-requisite for the Hebrew and Greek Reading level 1 courses
- Access to the BibleMesh vocabulary learning system for all words within each Hebrew course; teaching over 1900 Hebrew words as well as the essential grammar of the Hebrew language
- Access to the BibleMesh vocabulary learning system for all words within each Greek course, including all words that appear 24 times or more in the Greek New Testament
- 24/7 access for 10 years to complete all the BibleMesh Hebrew and Greek courses at your own pace
- These courses can be taken for academic credit through the BibleMesh Institute: Please Click Here.
More Details
A passing grade for all the courses in this track bundle will demonstrate competence in both biblical Hebrew and Greek vocabulary, grammar, and reading and qualify you for a BibleMesh Biblical Languages certificate of completion.
BibleMesh Biblical Languages Track Bundle
Hebrew Immerse: First Steps
The Hebrew First Steps course is suitable for beginners and provides the essential information that the new student needs to start reading Hebrew, including the alphabet, pronunciation, and 50 of the most frequent Hebrew vocabulary words. This course fulfills the prerequisite requirements for Hebrew Reading 1.
Hebrew Reading 1
In Hebrew Reading 1 you will learn Hebrew grammar and vocabulary as you translate Ruth and the narrative sections of Jonah. Accessing our online course at your own convenience, you will read text-based resources, watch instructional videos, listen to audio recordings, use our cutting-edge vocabulary building application, and engage our extensive assessment tools. Using this combination of learning methods, you will master Level 1 grammatical concepts, learn all vocabulary that appears in Jonah 1, 3–4 and Ruth, and take an important step toward being able to confidently read the Old Testament as it was originally written.
Hebrew Reading 2
In Hebrew Reading 2 you will continue to learn Hebrew grammar and vocabulary by translating 1 Kings 17–20 and Exodus 1–4. Accessing our online course at your own convenience, you will read text-based resources, watch instructional videos, listen to audio recordings, use our cutting-edge vocabulary building application, and engage our extensive assessment tools. Using this combination of learning methods, you will master Level 2 grammatical concepts and review Level 1 grammatical concepts. You will learn all vocabulary that appears in 1 Kings 17–20 and Exodus 1–4. Your guided reading of these Old Testament chapters will thus deepen your understanding of the structure and forms of Hebrew narrative.
Hebrew Reading 3
In Hebrew Reading 3 you will continue to learn Hebrew grammar and vocabulary by translating Genesis 37–41 and Deuteronomy 4–6. Accessing our online course at your own convenience, you will read text-based resources, watch instructional videos, listen to audio recordings, use our cutting-edge vocabulary building application, and engage our extensive assessment tools. Using this combination of learning methods, you will master Level 3 grammatical concepts and review Level 1 and 2 grammatical concepts. Level 3 also introduces you to some of the issues involved in the translation of the Biblical text, as well as introducing you, for the first time, to legal texts in Hebrew through the guided reading of Deuteronomy 4–6. You will learn all vocabulary that appears in Genesis 37–41 and Deuteronomy 4–6. Your guided reading of these Old Testament chapters will thus deepen your understanding of the structure and forms of Hebrew narrative.
Hebrew Reading 4
In Hebrew Reading 4 you will continue to learn Hebrew grammar and vocabulary by translating Genesis 1-4 and selections from Genesis 11–22. Accessing our online course at your own convenience, you will read text-based resources, watch instructional videos, listen to audio recordings, use our cutting-edge vocabulary building application, and engage our extensive assessment tools. Using this combination of learning methods, you will master Level 4 grammatical concepts and review Level 1, 2 and 3 grammatical concepts. Level 4 also introduces you to some of the features of Biblical Hebrew poetry. You will learn all vocabulary that appears in the texts studied. Your guided reading of these Old Testament chapters will thus deepen your understanding of the structure and forms of Hebrew narrative as well as introduce you to how to read Hebrew poetry.
Greek Immerse: First Steps
The Greek First Steps course is suitable for beginners and provides the essential information that the new student needs to start reading Greek, including the alphabet, pronunciation, and getting started with learning Greek vocabulary. This course fufills the prerequisite requirements for Greek Reading 1.
Greek Reading 1
In Greek Reading 1 you will learn Greek grammar and vocabulary as you translate chapters 1–3 of the Gospel of John. Accessing our online course at your own convenience, you will read text-based resources, watch instructional videos, listen to audio recordings, use our cutting-edge vocabulary building application, and engage our extensive assessment tools. Using this combination of learning methods, you will master Level 1 grammatical concepts, learn all vocabulary that appears 100 times or more in the Greek New Testament, and take an important step toward being able to confidently read the New Testament as it was originally written.
Greek Reading 2
In Greek Reading 2 you will continue to learn Greek grammar and vocabulary by translating the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5–7). Accessing our online course at your own convenience, you will read text-based resources, watch instructional videos, listen to audio recordings, use our cutting-edge vocabulary building application, and engage our extensive assessment tools. Using this combination of learning methods, you will master Level 2 grammatical concepts and review Level 1 grammatical concepts. Upon completion of the course, you will also know all vocabulary that appears 50 times or more in the Greek New Testament. Your guided reading of the Sermon on the Mount will deepen your understanding of the Greek language and increase your confidence to read the Greek New Testament.
Greek Reading 3
In Greek Reading 3 you will continue to learn Greek grammar and vocabulary by translating all of 1 Thessalonians. Accessing our online course at your own convenience, you will read text-based resources, watch instructional videos, listen to audio recordings, use our cutting-edge vocabulary building application, and engage our extensive assessment tools. Using this combination of learning methods, you will master Level 3 grammatical concepts and review Level 1–2 grammatical concepts. Upon completion of the course, you will also know all vocabulary that appears 25 times or more in the Greek New Testament. Your guided reading of 1 Thessalonians will deepen your understanding of the Greek language and increase your confidence to read the Greek New Testament.
Advanced Greek: Analyzing the Narrative Discourse of Mark 1-8
In Analyzing the Narrative Discourse of Mark 1–8 you will learn about discourse features of biblical narrative. Some concepts taught are the discourse-level function of Greek conjunctions, background and foreground analysis, principles of Greek word order, and analyzing structural boundaries.

Dr. Mark Dubis
Mark Dubis is Professor of Biblical Studies at Union University in Jackson, Tennessee. He has a passion for ancient languages, having taught Greek, Hebrew, and Latin. He also has a special concern for the global needs of Bible translation. He is the author of 1 Peter: A Handbook on the Greek Text among other publications. Mark provides a high-level understanding of both linguistic and exegetical principles and, from his years in the classroom, he knows how to make student learning enjoyable and effective.

Dr. Nicholas Ellis
Nicholas Ellis was College Lecturer of Biblical and Hellenistic Greek at Wycliffe Hall, University of Oxford from 2009-2014. With an academic background in biblical studies, Jewish studies, and New Testament studies, Nicholas provides the team with excellent classroom experience and a keen interest in linguistic, theological, and historical research. Nicholas completed his graduate studies in Theology (New Testament) from the University of Oxford. He is the author of The Hermeneutics of Divine Testing: Cosmic Trial and Biblical Interpretation in the Epistle of James and Other Jewish Literature (WUNT: Mohr Siebeck, 2014), among other publications.

Dr. Timothy Edwards
Timothy Edwards taught Hebrew at the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies and has lectured at the University of Oxford, University of Bristol, and various Bible schools in central Europe. He completed his graduate studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the University of Oxford. He is the author of Exegesis in the Targum of Psalms (Gorgias Press, 2007) amongst other publications. He is currently Fellow of Theology at New Saint Andrews in Moscow, Idaho.
About the Technology
Michael Aubrey
Michael Aubrey is Language Editor at Faithlife. He has an M.A. in Linguistics and Exegesis from Trinity Western University.
Dr. Christopher J. Fresch
Christopher J. Fresch (PhD, University of Cambridge) is Lecturer of Biblical Languages and Old Testament at Bible College of South Australia, an affiliated college of the Australian College of Theology. He is the co-editor of The Greek Verb Revisited.
Dr. Stephen H. Levinsohn
Stephen Levinsohn is an international linguistics consultant with SIL International. He has led “Discourse for Translation” workshops in 16 countries, working with over 350 languages. He is the author of Discourse Features of New Testament Greek: A Coursebook on the Information Structure of New Testament Greek among other publications.