At a Glance
- Assigned proctor to guide you through the course and provide extra assignments
- Access to all course material—video lectures; readings enhanced by maps, photos, timelines, and charts; key concept reviews, and quizzes
- Access to the Cerego learning system to build memory retention of course objectives
- $280 per month access to complete the course at your own pace
More Details
Based on the popular textbook Grasping God’s Word by Old Testament scholar J. Daniel Hays and New Testament expert J. Scott Duvall, this course provides a simple and clear introduction to reading the Word of God carefully and in context, interpreting it, and then applying it faithfully.
Designed to follow Hays and Duvall’s memorable “Interpretive Journey” framework, this course equips self-learners and academic students with foundational, trustworthy principles of sound biblical interpretation.
All course material—instructional videos, readings, practical exercises, and quizzes—is available online for study at your own convenience.
Course Outline
- Bible Translations
- Interpretive Journey
- Sentences and Paragraphs
- Discourses
- Historical-Cultural Context and What the Reader Brings to
the Text
- Literary Context and Word Studies
- Who Controls Meaning? and Levels of Meaning
- Role of the Holy Spirit and Application
- NT: Letters
- NT: Gospels
- NT: Acts
- NT: Revelation
- OT: Narrative
- OT: Law
- OT: Poetry and Prophets
- OT: Wisdom