Course 1 : Systematic Theology 1
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6 Month Access ($30.00 USD)
About this Course
The Systematic Theology 1 course is an attempt to systematically present what the Apostle Paul called “the whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27). Students will study biblical topics by examining particular biblical passages, reading through Wayne Grudem’s Systematic Theology, and inspecting the Bethlehem Affirmation of Faith. The student’s learning will be solidified through discussion questions and various homework assignments. This course is the first of two semesters, progressing through roughly the first half of a systematic theology, including the doctrines of Scripture, the Trinity, God’s sovereignty, election, creation, sin, Christology, and soteriology.
Course Overview
A doctrine of Scripture
The Trinity
God’s eternal purpose and election
Creation: the universe and man
A doctrine of sin
Jesus Christ and his saving work
Course Format
A series of 12 lessons that each include an introduction, lesson objectives, inductive Bible study, critical interaction with secondary sources, comprehension questions, video and audio content, and discussion questions if studying with a group.
Course 2 : Systematic Theology 2
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6 Month Access ($30.00 USD)
About this Course
The Systematic Theology 2 course is an attempt to systematically present what the Apostle Paul called “the whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27). Students will study biblical topics by examining particular biblical passages, reading through Wayne Grudem’s Systematic Theology, and inspecting the Bethlehem Affirmation of Faith. The student’s learning will be solidified through discussion questions and various homework assignments. This course is the second of two semesters, progressing through roughly the second half of a systematic theology, including the doctrines pneumatology, justification, sanctification, ecclesiology, the ordinances, and last things.
Course Overview
A doctrine of the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts
The doctrines of justification and sanctification
God’s perseverance of the saints
A doctrine of ecclesiology
The doctrines of baptism and the Lord’s Supper
Global mission and Christ’s return
Course Format
A series of 12 lessons that each include an introduction, lesson objectives, inductive Bible study, critical interaction with secondary sources, comprehension questions, video and audio content, and discussion questions if studying in a group.
Course 3 : Christian Hedonism and the Life of Faith
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6 Month Access ($30.00 USD)
About this Course
The Christian Hedonism and the Life of Faith course is an introduction to Christian Hedonism, a philosophy of life that is built on the God of the Bible. The course unfolds two key assertions: 1) the God-centeredness of God informs every aspect of the Christian life; 2) the pursuit of God’s glory and the pursuit of our joy is the same pursuit. Therefore, “God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him.” In this course students will examine key biblical passages and then thoughtfully interact with some of the central writings of John Piper: Desiring God, God Is the Gospel, and Future Grace. Biblical study, critical reflection, and application are all important components of this course.
Course Overview
The God-centered God and gospel
A God-centered conversion and faith
God-centered worship and love
Being God-centered in reading Scripture and prayer
Being God-centered with money and in suffering
The God-centered vision of Jonathan Edwards
Course Format
A series of 12 lessons that each include an introduction, lesson objectives, inductive Bible study, critical interaction with secondary sources, comprehension questions, video and audio content, and discussion questions if studying with a group.
Course 4 : Principles of Biblical Interpretation
Coming Soon
About this Course
The course Principles of Biblical Interpretation is an introduction to the methodology of inductive study of the Bible. Inductive study consists of careful observation of the text leading to sound interpretation and appropriate application. Students will learn study strategies, principles of interpretation, and principles of application throughout the course and apply them to the book of Philippians. Although the book of Philippians will serve as the primary “training grounds,” the course aims at imparting study skills that are applicable to the entire Bible. The course also aims at fostering sensitivity to literary genre and at cultivating inductive Bible study as a lifelong habit.
Course Overview
The Treasure Mine of God’s Word
Making Observations and Asking Questions
Scripture Interpreting Scripture
Grasping the Flow of Thought and the Use of Words
Using Different Translations
Genre and Interpretation
Applying and Studying the Word
Course Format
A series of 12 lessons that each include an introduction, lesson objectives, inductive Bible study training, critical interaction with secondary sources, comprehension questions, video and audio content, and discussion questions if studying with a group.
Course 5 : Introduction to Biblical Eldership
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6 Month Access ($30.00 USD)
About this Course
Introduction to Biblical Eldership is a 12 lesson course that examines the Bible’s teaching on the presence, responsibilities, qualifications, and importance of elders in the local church. The course is especially designed for the training of current and prospective elders, though any student of this course will gain insight into Biblical leadership. It aims to refresh and challenge each student’s vision of godly church leadership and their relationship to that leadership through inductive study of the Word, careful reflection on ministerial practice, and thoughtful interaction with Alexander Strauch’s Biblical Eldership, the teaching of John Piper, and various other pastors and theologians. The course concludes with a consideration of pragmatic issues, seeking to apply biblical wisdom to contemporary church life.
Course Overview
Overview of Biblical Eldership and Leadership within the Local Church
Biblical Pattern and Precedent for Eldership
Role of the Elders in Governing, Teaching, and Training the Church
Elders Serving as Examples
Qualifications for Eldership in the Home and World
Elders and the Congregation
Elders in the Modern Church
The Significance of Biblical Eldership under God
Course Format
A series of 12 lessons that each include an introduction, lesson objectives, inductive Bible study training, critical interaction with secondary sources, comprehension questions, video and audio content, and discussion questions if studying with a group.
Certificate : Obtain My Certificate of Completion
About the Certificate of Completion
When you have completed this course study track on, you will need to enroll here to apply for your certificate. This enrollment will be activated when you have successfully finished all the courses in this track.